Gestational surrogacy using sperm and egg donors available.


Egg and sperm donation
There are times when commissioning parents plan undergoing IVF/SURROGACY via a gestational carrier using egg and sperm donors.In this circumstance,there are concerns by the intended parents that a child conceived through such procedure will not be genetically related to them and might create challenges during transfer of custody of the child from the surrogate mother to the intended parent. Ten out of ten times that we assisted our commissioning parents through this process have been successful.If interested in using sperm or egg donors for your SURROGACY/IVF program,We will provide you useful tips below.Please note that information posted on our blog is not legal advise neither are we liable for your use of this information

1) Ensure the egg you are using is through an egg donation program with your clinic.Ensure that the process of collecting the egg is handled entirely by the clinic and if possible a copy of the document given to you by the clinic proving the egg was received via donation.Please kindly desist the urge of using sperm or egg donors from family members or close friends to avoid  complicated and legal issues in the future

2)  Ensure the sperm you are using is through a sperm donation program with your clinic.Ensure that the process of collecting the sperm is handled entirely by the clinic and if possible a copy of the document given to you by the clinic proving the sperm was received via donation.Please kindly desist the urge of using sperm or egg donors from family members or close friends to avoid  complicated and legal issues in the future

3) Ensure your IVF treatment is carried out by a reputable and duly registered fertility clinic in Nigeria

4) You might need a court order granting you custody of your child by a family court

5) Make sure you have an iron clad surrogacy agreement with all terms and conditions spelt out.Make sure such an agreement a prepared by a lawyer familiar with surrogacy laws in Nigeria

Are you an intended parent soliciting the services of a surrogacy agency or fertility clinic for your next IVF treatment in Nigeria.Get in touch with us today via whatsapp +2347067866986


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