A list of terms used during IVF/Surrogacy cyle and their meaning

Learn surrogacy acronym and their meaning
 Being new to IVF or surrogacy can be confusing when using certain vocabularies.Today,we will teach you common words used in surrogacy/UVF and their meaning.

1) Surrogate mother/Surro/Carrier : This is a woman who assists a couple unable conceive a child of their own help them to build a family.There are two kinds of surrogate mothers

a)Gestational surrogate mother: This person helps the couple carry their child and is in no way genetically related to the child as the sperm and egg used for the IVF procedure are sourced externally

b) Traditional surrogate: This person usually refereed to as a surrogate mother is artificially inseminated using her egg and will be genetically related to the baby

2) Intended parents/Commissioning parents : These are the person who will become legal parents of the child after birth.The intended parents might not be genetically related to the child if the egg and sperm are sourced from other parties.

3)Surrogacy contract/Surrogacy agreement: This is an agreement usually prepared by a lawyer between the surrogate mother,intended parents and surrogate agent.In this contract creating mutual obligations enforceable by law. The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are: mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and legality.Your surrogacy agency will assist you in this area.

4) Intended Father (IF): Father who will become the legal parent of the child born through surrogacy.

5) Intended Mother (IM) : Mother who will become the legal parent of the child born through surrogacy.

6) Egg Donor: A woman who donates eggs, or oocytes, for assisted reproduction via IVF.

7) Cycle Schedule: A timeline that lists important local monitoring appointment dates leading up to the transfer of embryo.

8) Egg Retrieval: The process by which eggs are removed from the egg donor for fertilization.

9) Matching: A process in which a surrogate or egg donor is matched with intended parents.

10) Blastocyst or “Blast”: The last stage of development an embryo must reach before it is implanted in the uterine wall. About 40 percent of human embryos reach this stage of development in the IVF laboratory after five to six days of incubation.

11) In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): A process by which eggs are fertilized by sperm outside the womb in a controlled environment: either a test tube or Petri dish.It is usually performed by an embryologist

14) Frozen Embryo Transfer: A process that occurs when a frozen embryo (an already fertilized and frozen egg) is thawed and transferred into a surrogate

15) Medical Investigation/Medical Evaluation:  These are medical investigation conducted on potential egg donors and surrogate mothers before they are admitted into our surrogacy program

 For further consultation call/whatsapp +2347067866986


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