How to be become a surrogate mother in Nigeria

How to become a surrogate mother in nigeria
(1)The first thing to note when trying to be a surrogate mother is to know if you are qualified (medically fit) .You will need to run series of tests to ascertain if you are ok for the job.These tests can be paid for by the surrogacy agent or Intended parent you intend working for.In some cases,the surrogacy agent or intended parent may request you bear the expenses of running such tests which of course you must not agree to.

(2) Try to find out which clinic will be carrying out the IVF procedure and their location.It is very important to know so you can plan ahead.If the clinic is in a different city then you need to calculate the distance from where you are staying to the clinic.If the journey from your home to the clinic will be more than an hour then it will be advisable to move to a place closer to the clinic.You can consult with your surrogacy agent or intended parent on how they can 'help' provide an alternative accomodation during the course of your IVF treatment.Try to make sure that this is also covered in your surrogacy
agreement with your Intended Parent

(3) Expenses: Who will cover your expenses? This question is
very crucial.You might need to resign from your current job as the tesks ahead of you are demanding.You will be making a lot of sacrifices and also expenses on your personal transportaion
to keep up with your appointment at the clinic and also feeding and other miscealenous expenses such as refrigeration (icing) of drugs and others.

(4) Be ready to experience slight changes to your body.A lot of surrogate mothers have reported slight changes in their body after use of drugs given to them by the fertility clinics.Please note that these drugs do not have damaging health effect to the surrogate mother.

(5)Legal: Very important! Always insist to have a surrogacy agreement drafted by a lawyer.Make sure you go through details of the contract.If you do not understand terms of the contract.You are free to ask the lawyer who prepared the contract or invite your own lawyer to assist in explaining the terms and conditions to you.Never be in a rush to sign a surrogacy agreement.This is to ensure you are not exploited

(6) Money:  Of course,this article will not be complete without talking about money.Try to know how much is paid as compensation to you as the surrogate mother.Make sure that the amount is stated in the contract.If your agent is getting a commission from the compensated amount.Then demand that the
agreed commision is stated either in the surrogacy contract or agency contract .The contract should also state if there are other payment which will be made to the surrogate mother such as

(!) Payment for all medical expenses
(2) Monthly welfare allowance for the surrogate mother
(3) Detail of how the agreed compensated amount to the surrogate mother will be paid.
(4) How much will be paid for accomodation including expenses
such as furnishing,power,cleaning,maid service including others.

If you  are an intended parent and interested in our surrogacy services.You can call or reach us via whatsapp +2347067866986


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